Essential Tips for Truck Scale Installation 

Planning and preparation for the purchase of your truck scale is essential. A truck scale is a major investment for your business, so do your homework before making your purchase. Before you make that investment, take into account the considerations below.

Truck Scale Location:
The physical aspects of your business site can help narrow down which type of truck scale is best for your location. In Ground and Above Ground Truck Scales require different types of location requirements. In Ground Truck Scales after installed are level with the surrounding terrain and require a pit type concrete foundation. In Ground Truck Scales are ideal for businesses with limited room because there is no "approach" required. "Approach" is the length of driving space needed for the trucks to drive onto the truck scale in position to be weighed. Above Ground Truck Scales don’t require a pit foundation, because they are positioned on top of level ground. They do require approximately 20 feet on both ends of the scale for the "approach". The scale will also require an access ramp on either end of the scale.
Truck scales are manufactured with the intent to be installed on a relatively level surface. If your site is not level, you will need to level the area before the scale is installed.

A Site Survey is Essential:
Conducting a site survey helps you determine what part of your site can be best utilized for underground or overhead services. Dealing with the presence of water, sewage, gas, etc. may add to the cost of the project, but proximity to these services could also cut costs for your project. To best utilize your site, consult your scale service provider before you break ground.

Building Permits:
In Ground Truck Scale concrete and steel pit foundations will require a building permit, but Above Ground Truck Scales installations may not require a building permit. Check with the local planning department for requirements in your area.

Room For Movement:
It's important to consider the turning circle of the longest vehicle that will use your truck scale. A generous amount of space is necessary for ease of movement for the trucks. Be sure to consider if there is ample driving room if more than one truck is in the vicinity of the scale.

Scale Length & Width:
Truck scales are produced in a variety of standard lengths and widths and can also be custom manufactured to the customer's desired size for additional cost. Be sure the truck scale you purchase can accommodate the wheelbase of vehicles that you will be weighing.

Safety Considerations:
All heavy-duty vehicles and equipment have the potential for accidents, so safety is always a consideration when positioning a truck scale. Be sure the truck scale is out of pedestrian and vehicle traffic paths. Also be sure the scale area is clearly marked. Both of these factors help to prevent accidents and keep your staff and customers safe. Poor traction can also be a safety issue if the ramps are too steep for the trucks.


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