60 Ton Weighbridge in Industrial and Mining Enterprises

60 ton weighbridge is suitable for cargo terminals, ports, chemical plants, warehouses and other institutions. 60 ton weighbridge also adapt to operating frequency and operating environment in special industries such as mining, food processing, coal crushing industry, brickyard, quarry, grain depot, concrete mixing stations and other industries.

Features of 60 ton weighbridge:
1. High precision, can reach more than one ten thousandth.
2. Long-distance transmission can reach 200 meters.
3. Preventing from malware control.
4. U-shaped steel weighing platform with Ultra-high strength, antiseptic treatment of abrasive blasting featuring sturdy and durable capability.
5. Resist RFI.
6. Zero tracking, self-diagnostics, clock, data power protection
7. Tips of overload, underload and other state.
8. Figures shows gross weight, net weight and tare.
9. Installation form is divided into foundation pit and shallow foundation pit.

60 ton weighbridge superior performance and stability not only improve the settlement efficiency of materials in industrial and mining enterprises, but are also deeply applied to monitoring of production process and management of comprehensive business data to meet the needs of modern weighing.

Homepage/ www.hxtruckscale.com
E-mail/ hxscale@hxtruckscale.com

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